We have learned that Ogden Police Department is seriously contemplating changing its alarm policy to no-response. This would mean that a burglar alarm would need to be verified in order […]
We had an amazing Conference with dozens of alarm companies and vendors participating. We started with lunch at the Thanksgiving Point golf Course and then proceeded to have an 18 […]

The requirements for fire alarm signaling have been defined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 72 National Fire Alarm Code. It defines the application, installation, location,performance, inspection, testing and […]

Utah Alarm Association Events at ISC West 2014 ISC’s Got Talent! at the Hosted Bar at The Rockhouse April 1, 2014 8 p.m. – 11 p.m. Hosted Bar 8 p.m. […]

8 Reasons To Sell Smoke Detectors While I had used burglar alarms systems in places I had managed, I never had one in my home until I started working in […]
Utah Alarm Association Training has been busy. There has been trainings almost every two weeks with around 40 people in each training. We have some great trainers helping out. They […]

Utah Alarm Association held its annual election luncheon at the Cheesecake Factory for the second year in a row. Security companies in Utah gathered for networking and lunch that does […]

For the second year in a row ADT has had a presence at the CES in Vegas. Some may wonder why a security company is at an electronics and gadget […]

For the second year in a row ADT has had a presence at the CES in Vegas. Some may wonder why a security company is at an electronics and gadget […]

that it plans on acquiring Devcon from Golden Gate for $148.5 million. This is the first large acquisition ADT has done since the spin off from Tyco last year. Devcon […]